***Welcome back to the new school year**Please remember to pre-book Breakfast Club places via ParentPay***We are recruiting for a new Midday Assistant to join our team. Please see the About Us>Vacancies tab for more details***We now offer Venue Hire - please see the Community tab for more details ***
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Firs Primary School

Inspire, believe, achieve!

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  • 95.2% Overall School Attendance

24/25 - PE Days

For Wednesday 4th - Friday 6th September only, PE days are:

* Y3 - Thursday
* Y4 - Wednesday
* Y5 - Thursday
* Y6 - Wednesday (N.B. Not Friday, as originally communicated)
* S1 - Friday

Children in these year groups should come to school dressed in their PE kit on the above day this week.

From w/c 9th September (16th September for Nursery), PE days are:

* Nursery - Tuesday only
* Reception - Friday only
* Y1 - Monday & Thursday
* Y2 - Monday & Wednesday
* Y3 - Monday & Thursday
* Y4 - Monday & Wednesday
* Y5 - Thursday & Friday
* Y6 - Tuesday & Wednesday
* S1 - Friday only
* S2 - Tuesday + TBC (Mrs Butter will liaise with S2 parents/carers individually regarding their child's second PE day)

Children should come to school dressed in their PE kit on the above days each week.

If you have any queries, please contact the Office via or 0161 973 7350.