***Wishing you all a lovely summer break. School returns on Wednesday 4th September 2024***For lots of Summer activity ideas, please visit our 'What's On?' page in the 'Community' tab***We now offer Venue Hire - please see the Community tab for more details ***Don't forget that Breakfast Club places now need to be pre-booked via ParentPay ***
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Firs Primary School

Inspire, believe, achieve!


At Firs Primary, keeping the children safe is our highest priority.  However, we believe that it is a joint responsibility: the staff, parents, governors and the children themselves all have a role to play in staying safe.  We all need to educate ourselves on the best things to do to help us stay safe online and have a duty to share the information with each other.


Our Governors attend regular training so that they they can ask the right questions of staff to enable them effectively safeguard the children's online (and other) behaviour.  The Governor responsible for safeguarding is Marilyn Reynolds.



