Welcome to Y6 Magnolia
Teacher: Mr Tumilty (Mr Pasdari - Thursdays)
Teaching Assistants: Ms Denton & Miss Burrows
We hope that you have all had a safe and rewarding time with your families during the summer break; we are really looking forward to returning as we have missed you all! This will be the final year our Year 6 pupils will be with us and we aim to ensure that all the children continue to achieve their potential in Year 6 through growing their brains, making beautiful oopses and seeing wobbles as a positive way to learn from. As the oldest children at the Firs Primary, this is an important year for them and I hope they all enjoy the year and work hard in achieving their potential to become strong independent learners. Remember... practise makes MORE perfect!
This term we are focusing on the Victorian period and what life was like living in Victorian England. There are many interesting facts to discover and learn about and children will be asked to engage in personal research projects later in the term, such as: child workers, technological advancements or crime and punishment!
It is important they build on solid foundations from previous years and work hard to help prepare for life at high school. It will be extremely helpful if you are able to continue to support your child at home by continually monitoring reading and progress with any home learning tasks, such as spellings and times tables.
If you need to speak to me regarding any issues, do not hesitate to contact me and make sure you follow us on X @firsprimarysale and search #Y6Magnolia to keep track of all our messages, fun activities and work we produce each week!
Thanks for your continued support.
Mr Tumilty, Mr Pasdari, Ms Denton and Miss Burrows.
Weekly Reminders
If there are changes to the weekly routine or there are any issues that arise, please let us know by contacting school either by phone or email- office@firs.trafford.sch.uk The admin team are always happy to forward your emails onto class teachers.
Our Reading Area
As a school, we have a huge focus on reading for pleasure. It is crucial that children in year 6 read regularly, and that the texts they are choosing are appropriate and challenging for their own level. Please see below a suggested reading list for year 6 - full of fantastic books which should challenge and excite them! Happy reading!
Our Art Gallery
Art is a lesson that we love to express our creativity. Sometime our art is linked to a topic or book and sometimes art is linked to festivals and celebrations in the calendar. Our units this year will be closely linked to drawing, printing and sculpting. We focus on the process rather than the outcome; that way all of our work is unique, just like us! We hope you enjoy the images of our work that will be shared on here and our twitter page througout the year.
Methods In Maths
We understand that the mathematical methods taught in school may be different from what adults at home know and use. Use this link to find videos that explain the methods taught in school for each operation.
Go-To Art Activities
Here are a range of fun Art activities that you can try out at home!