***Wishing you all a lovely summer break. School returns on Wednesday 4th September 2024***For lots of Summer activity ideas, please visit our 'What's On?' page in the 'Community' tab***We now offer Venue Hire - please see the Community tab for more details ***Don't forget that Breakfast Club places now need to be pre-booked via ParentPay ***
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Firs Primary School

Inspire, believe, achieve!


Firs Primary School is committed to the safeguarding of all its learners, staff and visitors. Safeguarding is a priority with arrangements in place to ensure learners feel, and are safe on school premises and during off site activities.


The learner experience and individual achievement are paramount and safeguarding initiatives are developed to impact positively upon this. The school ensures that safeguarding legislation and guidance are adhered to and taken into account when developing and revisiting policies, procedures and associated arrangements.


The school provides a safe physical environment for its learners and staff, ensuring that the premises are of a good standard. Health and Safety arrangements are in place to ensure adherence to current legislation and guidance. We adhere to: Keeping Children Safe in Education, Working Together to Safeguard Children, What to do if you're worried a child is being abused, Information Sharing for Practitioners and The Prevent Duty.


Anyone who applies for a position at Firs Primary will be subject to recruitment and selection procedures designed to emphasise the school’s commitment to the safeguarding of its learners and staff. The procedures include questioning at the interview stage, verification of appropriate qualification, acquiring references, necessary safety checks and then on-going monitoring procedures.


Trafford Children's First Response


Children's First Response is Trafford’s single point of contact for all professionals and members of the public to report concerns, request advice and share information about a child and/or family. If the child is at immediate risk of harm call the Police on 999. If you are a member of the public who has a concern about a child, and they are not at immediate risk of harm, you should call Trafford Children's First Response on 0161 912 5125 during office hours (Mon - Fri 8:30 - 4:30) or 0161 912 2020 out of hours (Emergency Duty Team).

At Firs Primary all staff  members have a responsibility to safeguard children as we understand that 'it could happen here'. We do however have a core team of staff that overview and manage concerns within school.


Safeguarding Team


At Firs Primary School, we are committed to the safety and happiness of all our pupils. If you are concerned about a child, please ask to speak to our Designated Safeguarding Lead, Mrs Bryan (Head Teacher) or our Deputy Safeguarding Lead, Miss Taplin (Deputy Head).

We also have Seven further trained Level 4 staff members who can help with your concerns.
