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Firs Primary School

Inspire, believe, achieve!

Curriculum and Development


At Firs Primary School, we take great pride in our developing school Curriculum, which offers all children the opportunity to progress, link knowledge and build a bank of rich vocabulary throughout their Firs journey. Here, you can find out more information about:


  • Teaching and Learning across school (Curriculum documents).
  • Firs Primary School Values.
  • Curriculum Texts explored across school. 


You can find specific information about your child's learning below on the 'Bookshelf Posters'.

You can find more information/pictures of your child's learning on their class webpage (Children - Class Pages).

Curriculum Offer

Curriculum Intent

Our Curriculum will:

-Build children’s knowledge through rich, motivational, purposeful and inspiring learning.

-Provide them with experiences that build their cultural capital, equip them with real life skills, enable them to become responsible citizens and members of their community and prepare them to be able to successfully transition to the next phase of their learning.

-Provide knowledge in all subjects that builds sequentially through their time at Firs Primary School.

-Reflect the needs of each individual and be tailored to the Sale West and surrounding areas.

-Develop transferable skills through their growing knowledge of the curriculum.

-Be stimulating, fun and memorable for all children.

-Be ambitious and have high expectations and aspirations for all academically, artistically, personally and physically, recognising that each of our children are unique and should be celebrated as such.

-Develop life-long learners who are knowledgeable, yet question and are inquisitive. They challenge themselves and are resilient.

-Promote and foster positive mental health, children who are socially and emotionally aware and promote our character values for our children to succeed.

Curriculum Implement

Teaching and Learning

As part of our Curriculum Development journey, we have created various documents which display what is being taught across school, what each subject has to offer, National Curriculum links, Key Vocabulary and Key Knowledge.

As we continue to build our journey, we aim to thread our School Values (as well as the British Values) and Bespoke Curriculum high quality texts into these documents.


School Values

These values will be embedded into our Curriculum to meet the needs of our children and to provide them with the life skills necessary to be successful in their next steps.

Curriculum Texts

We are proud to offer a curriculum which is inspired by books.


We understand that books offer children a mirror - to see themselves in and relate to, giving a context for learning based on previous experiences and gaining new language.


We understand that books offer children a window - to find information that they may recognise/may be new to them, giving them a hook, new vocabulary and a context for learning. 


We understand that books offer children a sliding glass door - to experience something completely new to them, gaining new vocabulary and an awareness of the world around them. 


These texts will promote a love of reading across school, whilst supporting children in making links within learning; supporting children in transferring knowledge from their working memory to their long-term memory. 




If you any questions or require more information about any area of our curriculum, we would be happy to answer and discuss this with you:
