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Firs Primary School

Inspire, believe, achieve!

Online Safety

At Firs Primary we talk about staying safe online all the time.  We do this in assemblies, through games and lots of different tasks we do in the classroom. We also spend time talking about acceptable behaviour in circle time or philosophy lessons (or part of PHSE).   You regularly use the internet as part of your learning and we have regular activities and conversations to remind you about the importance of staying safe on the internet both in school and out of school. 

SMART Online Safety

Still image for this video

SMART Rules Poster

As you know, if you have seen something online or someone's behaviour offends you or makes you upset or worried, you MUST tell someone you trust.  As well as your parent/s, there are lots of trusted adults in school you could tell.  Also remember that you or the adult can REPORT the behaviour.  One way to do this in the link below. Most importantly, when online be SMART. 

Learn how to stay safe online with these interactive games. Select your age group but remember the higher the age group the tougher the game!



The “Thinkuknow” website is brought to you by the Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) centre. You may have seen some of their video clips on National TV recently. There’s a lot of information here for both children and adults – parents even have their own area of the site!



Test your knowledge of internet safety with this quiz from CBBC Newsround. There’s also further information if you’re not sure on anything.



Be totally cool and show your friends how much you know about Internet safety by watching the clips on here!  There are also loads of activities and games that will test your knowledge!



McGruff is a Crime Dog - world famous for his advice on how to stop crime before it happens, and for his great sense of humour! Some of his work involves teaching children how to stay safe online. Check out the different areas of the site – there’s so much to learn! 


Interland is an adventure-packed online game that puts the key lessons of digital citizenship and safety into hands-on practice.


BBC eBitesize

Find out about staying safe online with Pip, Declan and their friends. 
