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Home Page

Firs Primary School

Inspire, believe, achieve!

Reception Elm

Welcome to Reception Elm



Welcome to Reception Elm’s class page. Here you will find key information and see pictures showing what we have been learning in school. 


We hope you enjoy this page and looking at some of the amazing learning that has been taking place in Reception, we certainly do grow our brains each and every day! Don't forget to check SeeSaw to see more amazing photos!


If you have any questions, please get in touch.


Mrs Plant and Mrs Dixon 

Weekly Reminders

  • Friday - P.E (children to come to school wearing their P.E kit).
  • Friday - Reading For Pleasure Books will be changed.
  • Water bottles to be brought in each day for your children to access independently. 
  • Please can you label all items of clothing.



Our Classroom

Reading for pleasure


We love to read in Reception! Each week we take part in a reading for pleasure session. Here we get to choose our favourite books and share them with our friends. We swap books to ensure we have lots of opportunities to look at lots of different books.


Each Friday we bring a reading for pleasure book home. This is a great opportunity to share some quality time with your children sharing a story. Don't forget to bring your children's book back in on a Friday so they can swap it for another one. 

Our Topic Books

Art Gallery

We love to explore and create using lots of different resources.  We have a session called 'Start with Art' where we practise a new skill. This may be paint, crayons, playdough, collage and natural materials to create or art. After our session, we have the opportunity to keep practising our new skill at the workshop. In Reception, we focus on the process rather than the outcome; that way all of our work is unique, just like us!


Curriculum Overviews


We will be uploading the half termly overviews that link to the areas of our curriculum and tell you the types of activities that we will be doing in school. 

End of Year Expectations


The following is taken from the Early Years Framework and additional guidance Development Matters. All children will be taught these learning points however our curriculum is not limited to these points and will include much more. 




At Firs Primary School we follow a Phonic Scheme called 'Read, Write, Inc.' We have a Phonics lesson everyday where we learn a new sound. We learn how to say it, read it and write it. We practise our new sound by making words using magnetic letters and read and write words containing the sound. We love Fred Frog who helps us along the way! I understand that phonics is very complicated and the pronunciation of sounds can be quite difficult to master.


Please use the following link to access information about our phonics scheme Read Write Inc.

Online Resources


I have put together a list of websites and videos to aid your child's learning at home. 


  • Phonics Play - There are free games to choose from. Phase 2 will be suitable for Reception at the moment. You can use the free games to practice segmenting, blending and sound recognition. 


  • YouTube videos to watch are  Phonics Song Jolly Phonics Song Phonics – Tricky Words 2 Phonics – Tricky Words 3 Phonics - ABC Rap Maths - Count to 20  Maths - 2D Shapes Maths – 3D Shapes


  • CBeeBies have some great programmes which will help children learn in a fun way. Science and Investigation Phonics and Reading Being Creative with junk Geography and new places


  • YouTube has many Just Dance and Cosmic Kids videos which are brilliant to keep your children moving or to help them relax. 


  • Topmarks website has lots of fun games to play to help number recognition, number ordering, measure, counting etc. Don’t forget to ask your child “How do you know that?” this will help them to use their maths knowledge in a different way.

