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Firs Primary School

Inspire, believe, achieve!

S2 Larch

Welcome to S2 Larch


Dear SSC parents and children,


Welcome back, it is lovely to see S2 Larch and catch up with you all. We will be starting a new Science topic all about Animals including humans, we will be learning all about nutrition and skeletons. 


We will continue integrating with our year groups for some lessons and playtimes.  Most of the children have chosen the lessons they wish to go into mainstream for and we will continue to support them with this.


On Fridays we love to explore our Life Skills from cooking to gardening. We would love to hear any ideas or suggestions. 


Thank you! 


Weekly Reminders

Homework is handed out on a Friday and to be returned the following Friday. 

Spelling test will be on Friday. 

PE will be on a Tuesday. Please wear your PE Kit on Tuesday.

Year 6 children also have a second PE session with their year group on a Wednesday.




Please let me know if you need any help or contact me via email at



Mrs Butter (Class Teacher)


Mrs Craker (TA)

Mr Candlish (TA)


S2 Spring 1 Bookshelf

Bookshelf A2 Cycle 1

Our Classroom

The Stone Age

Methods In Maths


We understand that the mathematical methods taught in school may be different from what adults at home know and use. Use this link to find videos that explain the methods taught in school for each operation.
