***Wishing you all a lovely summer break. School returns on Wednesday 4th September 2024***For lots of Summer activity ideas, please visit our 'What's On?' page in the 'Community' tab***We now offer Venue Hire - please see the Community tab for more details ***Don't forget that Breakfast Club places now need to be pre-booked via ParentPay ***
Home Page

Firs Primary School

Inspire, believe, achieve!

S1 Cedar

Welcome to S1 Cedar



Welcome to the class page for the new S1 Cedar class. Here you will find key information and see pictures showing what we have been learning in school. 


What a fantastic Spring term we have had! We look forward to welcoming all our S1 children back in Summer and can't wait to continue developing our love for learning.


During the Spring term we will continue our 'Stroll through the Seasons' topic and will be looking closely at the changes in the environment as we move into Spring. We will be exploring how the plants change around us and discover the different things plants need in order to survive. We will contiune to develop our storytelling skills and will be practising re-telling familiar stories using pictures, actions and key phrases.  


Throughout the year we will be adding photos of the amazing learning that has been taking place,  and all parents will have access to SeeSaw to track their childs learning in school. 


If you have any questions, please get in touch with your class teacher Miss A. Murphy -

Weekly Reminders

Please help us in school by remembering the following:


  • Reading AT LEAST 3x each week -please bring book bags in each day so staff in school can also read with children during the day. Children will be given new books each Friday. 
  • Monday and Friday - Your child should arrive at school wearing their PE kit. This includes: top, shorts and PE pumps


Our Classroom

Our Reading Gallery!

Our Art Gallery!
