Provision and Support
Specific provision is also provided for different areas of need. If you require further information we would urge you to contact the school or arrange a time to visit and have a look around our provision.
If you have any concerns about your child’s SEND progress or provision we would urge you to come into school and discuss matters further with your child’s class teacher, SENCO or the Pastoral Manager. Alternatively the Senior Leadership Staff would also be available to help. Although we would always hope to resolve any issues or concerns informally by working in partnership with parents, school complaints procedures are in place.
Provision and support
Small Specialist Classes (SSC)
We have two small specialist support classes here at Firs Primary School.
S1 Cedar – Reception – Year 2
Miss Murphy – Class Teacher
Miss Vernon – Teaching Assistant
Miss Leah – Teaching Assistant
S2 Larch – Year 3 – Year 6
Mrs Butter – Class Teacher
Mrs Craker – Teaching Assistant
Mr Candlish – Teaching Assistant
Each class has ten pupils with one teacher and two teaching assistants. All children in our small specialist classes have an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) for a range of special educational needs across the four areas of need: cognition and learning, communication and interaction, social and emotional health, and physical and sensory needs. Our staff are experienced in supporting pupils with complex needs and receive regular training opportunities to meet individual need.
The children are taught as a single class when learning is based on individual education programmes and teaching is differentiated according to ability. In addition to this, our SSC pupils have regular opportunities throughout the school week to integrate with the main body of the school during both structured and unstructured times. The amount of time spent within the main body is dependent on the individual and their needs, this is reviewed regularly.