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Firs Primary School

Inspire, believe, achieve!

Y3 Beech

Welcome to Y3 Beech



This term we will continue our Egyptians topic and focus on the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb. In English, we will create our own newspaper reports based on this discovery and of the work of the famous archaeologist Howard Carter. In maths, we will work on our recall of times tables and look at links between multiplication and division.


Shadows and light will be our science topic for this half term. We will explore how shadows move throughout the day with a fun, interactive experiment and also explore how to stay safe in the sun. In our Design and Technology lessons, we will bake our own Egyptian bread and investigate why the the Ancient Egyptian civilisation had such terrible teeth!


Please take a look at our Spring 2 bookshelf below to see our exciting topics and how we plan to use high quality texts to enhance them. We will keep this class page and 'X' updated with key information and pictures of what we have been up to so keep checking in!


Weekly Reminders


  • We have PE on Mondays and Thursdays.
  • Spellings will be given out on Fridays, ready for the test the following Wednesday. This term, homework will be topic based. The children can choose three or more tasks that they would like to complete, based around our topic of Ancient Egypt. 
  • Reading Records should be brought into school every day and you should aim to read with your child at least three times a week - signing each time to show that you have done so.



If you need anything at all, please do not hesitate to contact us:


Lets have an amazing term!


Miss Dunstan, Mrs Lawrence & Miss Kenneally

Year 3 Bookshelf


Our Classroom

Reading for Pleasure Gallery

Recommended Books

Art Gallery

Egyptian Trip

Forest School

Curriculum Expectations

Here is a copy of the Year 3 expectations - this covers what your child will be learning throughout the year in Reading, Writing and Maths.

We understand that the mathematical methods taught in school may be different from what adults at home know and use. Use this link to find videos that explain the methods taught in school for each operation.




Please use the following link to access information about our phonics scheme Read Write Inc:
