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Firs Primary School

Inspire, believe, achieve!

Nursery Saplings

Welcome to Nursery Saplings



Hello and welcome to our page.


Nursery are having so much fun exploring the classroom, sharing experiences and creating with their friends. As teachers, we have observed the children when they play and spoken to them about their interests. This has lead us to make some small changes to our classroom and the activities within it. This will happen throughout the year as the children progress through our curriculum and their interests change. 


There are lots of pictures and information below, for you to look at and we tweet regularly so don't forget to follow us at @firsprimarysale



If you have any questions, please feel free to come and see me!


We are really enjoying going on our adventure together. 


Miss Walker, Mrs Dixon and Mrs Leigh smiley

Weekly Reminders


Please ensure children bring a named water bottle to Nursery. If they are full time and stay for lunch, they should bring additional drink in their lunch box. 

Nursery PE sessions take place on Tuesdays, so please ensure children wear PE every Tuesday. 

Bookshelf Posters and Curriculum Overviews


Our Classroom


We hope you like it and can see something that your are excited to explore!

Our Reading Gallery


We love to read in Nursery! We read at least two books everyday and love the chance to snuggle up in the reading area with familiar books. Why not take a look at some pictures of us reading!

Our Art Gallery


We love to explore and create using lots of different resources. Sometime our art is linked to a topic or book and sometimes art is one of the ways we express ourselves. We use paint, crayons, playdough, collage and natural materials to create or art. We focus on the process rather than the outcome; that way all of our work is unique, just like us!

Take a look at some of our art work :)

Nursery Curriculum from the Department of Education

Phonics - Phase 1


Phase 1 phonics is vital as it develops many phonological skills that are essential for successful reading. The pictures below explain the different aspects of Phase 1. I would also like draw your attention to Mini Writers Club on Instagram. They have lots of handy explanations and activity ideas, so why not take a look. 

At home play ideas

It is a well known fact that children love to play. What is lesser known, is that whilst children are playing they are learning!


Try some of these fun games and activities to help your little one learn whilst playing. 

  • I spy - Find something green etc. This helps listening, colour recognition and thinking skills.
  • Scavenger Hunts - Can you find 5 blue things/3 bumpy things/4 things that roll? This helps with vocabulary, counting, concentration and persistence. 
  • Kim's Game - Put a selection of objects out, cover them and take one away. Can they tell you which is missing? This game is great for memory, concentration and communication. 
  • Baking and Cooking - Bake a cake or cook some lunch together. This is great for listening to instructions, measuring, gross and fine motor skills, safety in the kitchen and learning about what happens to food as it is cooked. 
  • Dancing and Singing - Play different music and dance along any way you like! This is fantastic for imagination, physical development, performance skills and rhythm. 
  • Painting, Drawing and Junk Modelling - This is a great way to explore colour mixing, build your imagination and work on concentration, persistence, fine motor skills and communication. 
  • Nursery Rhymes  - Sing a variety of rhymes together and even use some instruments. This is ideal to help vocabulary, creativity, listening and musicality. 
  • Stories - Share a good book. Can they tell you what has happened/what is next? Reading is so important and it develops listening, understanding, vocabulary and imagination. 


There are also a number of websites that have lots of educational and fun games to play or videos to watch. 

  • Phonics Play - Phase 1 section is perfect for Nursery children who are learning about lots of different sounds (which is what they need to know before they start reading);
  • Topmarks - Has lots of fantastic maths games, such as; shape monsters, teddy numbers, ladybird spots;
  • CBeebies-  There are lots of show to watch that help children learn about feelings, numbers, phonics, the world, cultures, sharing, and problems solving. 
  • YouTube - Cosmic Kids Yoga is great for a little relaxing time whilst Just Dance is perfect for those times where they need to let off a little energy.