Welcome to Y2 Hazel
Welcome to Year 2 Hazel!
Welcome to our class page where you will find information about our learning, pictures of things we have been up to and important documents about Year 2 expectations.
We are now getting stuck into our learning in Year 2. We are continuing to develop our reading through Read Write Inc. phonics lessons as well as some reading comprehension lessons. In English, we will be focusing on a range of texts to inspire our writing such as Vlad and the Great Fire of London and using Remembrance Day as inspiration too. In Maths we are learning multiplication, statistics and developing our Mastery of Number through daily sessions. Our history topic will involve a visit from a Theatre company to introduce the Great Fire of London to the class.
Please help us in school by remembering the following:
Children must arrive at school wearing their full school uniform. Please make sure all items of clothing are named.
School Library Dates for Y2 Hazel:
8th November
22nd November
6th December
Please remember to check Seesaw for any updates through the week!
Miss Meadows & Mrs Leigh
Our Classroom
Our Reading Gallery
Please use the following link to access information about our phonics scheme Read Write Inc.