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Firs Primary School

Inspire, believe, achieve!

Contacts and other information

Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) at The Firs Primary School


Mrs Horridge, Mrs Greenhalgh and Mrs Dixon will oversee the support your child receives by providing professional support for teachers and support staff in the school, so your child can achieve the best possible progress in school. This may involve the use of additional adults, outside specialist help and specially planned work and resources. Also by liaising with other people who may be coming into school to help support your child's learning e.g. Speech and Language Therapist, Educational Psychologist etc. - please ring the school office 0161 973 7350 to arrange a meeting if you require any additional support. 


Mrs Horridge        Mrs Greenhalgh          Mrs L Dixon

EY, KS1 & LKS2      SSC & UKS2                  Inclusion Lead

SEND Governor


The SEND Governor, Lynette Lawson, is the appointed Governor that communicates any SEND updates and information to the Governing Body. The SEND Governor spends time in school with the SENCO discussing current information about SEND children and their provision. The Governor may also support the SENCO with some monitoring tasks that are carried out in school regularly in order to ensure the best quality support is in place for SEND children.

The Governing body are involved with the SEND provision, as they are with all other elements of school life. It is part of their role to look at provision that is in place, and support the SENCO in decisions about SEND provision across school. They look annually at data/reports about the performance of SEND children, and strive for the best education for all children, including those with SEND. Members of the Governing body will, at times, visit school to look more closely at initiatives that are in place to support SEND children, alongside other children. 


Pastoral Manager at The Firs Primary School


Mrs Kershaw is available on a daily basis to deal with attendance, behavioural, pastoral and welfare issues. Her role involves supporting and working with pupils and families to maximise learning for individual pupils.


Mrs S Kershaw


Educational Psychologist 


Trafford’s Educational Psychologists (EPs) work with children, teaching staff, parents/carers and other agencies. They apply their understanding of psychology to identify teaching and learning strategies which will promote inclusion and wellbeing and improve educational outcomes for children and young people. Our school Educational Psychologist is Kerry Brown.

Speech and Language Therapist


Alison Calow is our private Speech and Language Therapist (SALT) who visits the Early Years department in school one day a week and delivers several individual therapy sessions to children on that day, in a designated room away from the classroom.



