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Home Page

Firs Primary School

Inspire, believe, achieve!

Y2 Chestnut

Welcome to Year 2 Chestnut!


Welcome to Year 2 Chestnut!


Welcome to our class page where you will find information about our learning, pictures of things we have been up to and important documents about Year 2 expectations. 


This year we have planned lots of hands on activities and fun lessons. We cannot wait to continue our learning journey together!


Please help us in school by remembering the following:


Children must arrive at school wearing their full school uniform. Please make sure all items of clothing are named. 


  • Friday - Bring your reading book and reading record to school. This will be check, changed and sent back out on the same day. 
  • Wednesday - If you have a homework book you must bring it back to school on this day. Online homework will be due also. Homework, both in book and online, is set every Friday. 
  • Monday and Wednesday - Your child should arrive at school wearing their PE kit. This includes: white top, black shorts and PE pumps.


Please get in touch if you have any questions -


   Miss Shaw     &       Mrs Davies 

Class Teacher         Teaching Assistant


Bookshelf Posters and Curriculum Overviews


We will be uploading the half termly overviews that link to the areas of our curriculum and tell you the types of activities that we will be doing in school.


Our Classroom


Reading for Pleasure 

Art Activities

Yr2 Expectations- Here is a copy of the Year 2 expectations - this covers what children will be learning throughout the year in Reading, Writing and Maths.







Please use the following link to access information about our phonics scheme Read Write Inc.
