***Wishing you all a lovely summer break. School returns on Wednesday 4th September 2024***For lots of Summer activity ideas, please visit our 'What's On?' page in the 'Community' tab***We now offer Venue Hire - please see the Community tab for more details ***Don't forget that Breakfast Club places now need to be pre-booked via ParentPay ***
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Firs Primary School

Inspire, believe, achieve!


We are your team point captains of pine......


These are the teachers in our team.

Mrs .Taplin

Mr. Silk

Mrs Pollock


Dear Team Pine


We are George and Hannah we are your team captains. We would like you to get as much team points as possible for our team. Everybody will have a fair share on the events .As a member of Pine we would like you to always where your green badges to represent our team .An assembly will take place every term so everybody will get to know what is going on and what is happening. We know the Firs team challenge is coming soon keep checking the Pine website for updates.


from your Pine team Captain Hannah-May and Vice Captain George


