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Home Page

Firs Primary School

Inspire, believe, achieve!

Y2 Walnut

Welcome to Y2 Walnut



Welcome to Year 2 Walnut!


Welcome to our class page where you will find information about our learning, pictures of things we have been up to and important documents about Year 2 expectations. 


We are now well into our school year and getting stuck into our learning. There are many more exciting topics and themes planned for the rest of the year. The children will continue with a daily Read Write Inc. lesson to target their phonics. Then in our English lesson we will be diving into some texts by the same author, exploring patterns and discussing similarities and differences. In Maths we will continue to embed out understanding of place value when we practise using calculation methods to solve problems. Our Science topic is 'materials' a great opportunity to investigate the properties of different materials and learn about their everyday uses. Further details of our learning can be found in our half termly curriculum posters below. There are also some links to online games to help your child consolidate their learning at home. 



Please help us in school by remembering the following:


Children must arrive at school wearing their full school uniform. Please make sure all items of clothing are named. 


  • Monday- Friday- Bring your reading book and reading record to school each day.  
  • Tuesday- If you have a homework book you must bring it back to school. Online homework will be due also. Homework, both in book and online, is set every Thursday. 
  • Wednesday/Friday- Your child should arrive at school wearing their PE kit. This includes: white top, black shorts and PE pumps.


Mrs Taylor & Mrs Leigh

Bookshelf Posters and Curriculum Newsletters

Our Classroom

Our Reading Gallery

Some of the books we will be enjoying this term

Castles - Home Learning Projects

Our Art Gallery

Maths Expectations


We understand that the mathematical methods taught in school may be different from what adults at home know and use. Use this link to find videos that explain the methods taught in school for each operation.



Please use the following link to access information about our phonics scheme Read Write Inc.

Go-To Art Activities

Here are a range of fun Art activities that you can try out at home! 

Curriculum Links
