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Firs Primary School

Inspire, believe, achieve!

Y6 Hawthorn

Welcome to Y6 Hawthorn



Teacher: Mrs Morgans (Mon-Wed) and Mrs Nolan (Wed pm - Friday)

Teaching Assistants: Miss Burrows and Ms Denton


We hope you all had a lovely summer break with friends and families and are excited to begin the final chapter of your Firs journey in Y6!  We are looking forward to welcoming you back and have lots of exciting learning planned!  You will now be the oldest children at Firs Primary and we are sure you will be amazing role models for the rest of the school - especially through growing your brains, showing our school 'ROOTS', making beautiful oopses and showing that wobbles help us to learn, improve and reach our full potential.   Remember... practise makes MORE perfect!


This term we are focusing on the Victorian period and what life was like living in Victorian England. There are many interesting facts to discover and learn about and you will be asked to engage in personal research projects later in the term, such as: child workers, technological advancements or crime and punishment!


Parents / Carers - This year, It is important to build on solid foundations from previous years and work hard to help prepare for life at high school. It will be extremely helpful if you are able to continue to support your child at home by continually monitoring reading and progress with any home learning tasks, such as spellings and times tables.


Weekly Reminders


  • Tuesday and Wednesday - PE - You should arrive in school in full P.E. kit (white t-shirts, black shorts or plain black tracksuit bottoms during the winter months with trainers or black pumps). Regular school uniform is not required on this day, though a school jumper can be worn over the yellow PE top for comfort during lessons.  
  • Wednesday - Spelling Test (Spellings will have been given the previous Friday to learn as part of the homework)
  • Wednesday - PE - You should arrive in school in full P.E. kit (white t-shirts, black shorts or plain black tracksuit bottoms during the winter months with trainers or black pumps). Regular school uniform is not required on this day, though a school jumper can be worn over the yellow PE top for comfort during lessons.  
  • Wednesday - Homework books to be handed in.
  • Friday - Children will also receive their homework on Friday, with tasks to be completed at home.
  • Daily - Independent reading books to be brought to school each day to be read during reading time. 


If there are changes to the weekly routine or there are any issues that arise, please let us know by contacting school either by phone or email-  The admin team are always happy to forward your emails onto class teachers. 


If you need to speak to us regarding any issues, do not hesitate to contact us and make sure you follow @firsprimarysale and search #Y6Hawthorn to keep track of all our messages, fun activities and work we produce each week!


Thanks for your continued support.

Mrs Morgans, Mrs Nolan, Ms Denton and Miss Burrows

Our classroom

Y6 Autumn 1 bookshelf

Miss Abraham reads Street Child Chapter 1

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Please make sure you have listened to this before the end of our first week back in September!

Year 6 Bookshelf

Our Reading Area

As a school, we have a huge focus on reading for pleasure. It is crucial that children in Year 6 read regularly, and that the texts they are choosing are appropriate and challenging for their own level. Please see below a suggested reading list for year 6 - full of fantastic books which should challenge and excite them! Happy reading! 

Our Art Gallery


Art is a lesson that we love to express our creativity. Sometime our art is linked to a topic or book and sometimes art is linked to festivals and celebrations in the calendar. Our units this year will be closely linked to drawing, printing and sculpting. We focus on the process rather than the outcome; that way all of our work is unique, just like us! We hope you enjoy the images of our work that will be shared on here and our twitter page throughout the year.

Here is a copy of the Year 6 expectations - this covers what children will be learning throughout the year in Reading, Writing and Maths.

Methods In Maths


We understand that the mathematical methods taught in school may be different from what adults at home know and use. Use this link to find videos that explain the methods taught in school for each operation.

Here is a copy of the new Numeracy Framework for Y6 to help you understand what your child will be learning and when.

Breathing exercises with Mrs. G

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Mrs. Gilbert has used her expertise in all things well being and yoga and has created an extremely helpful video for us that will help us develop some breathing exercises that will help calm us and clear our thoughts when we may be finding it difficult to relax. The exercises are easy to do and can be done anywhere in the house on your own or even with your family. It won't take long! I am sure you will make great use of the video and thank you Mrs. Gilbert for creating it all :)

Go-To Art Activities

Here are a range of fun Art activities that you can try out at home! 

Do you have any ideas for this page? Why not let your teacher know!


Have you seen the Kids' Zone? Play games, and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites!
