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Firs Primary School

Inspire, believe, achieve!

Leading Parent Partnership Award for the Firs!

We are delighted that we have recently been re-accredited with the LPPA award! We first received this award in 2012 as reflection of the emphasis we place upon involving parents in school life. An assessor joined us for a day before Christmas, and spent the day speaking to children, parents, governors and staff to see if we still meet the criteria for the award.


I am pleased to say that we received a very positive report. Here are some of the highlights...


  • An ethos of involving parents is thoroughly embedded in school practice.
  • Parents, teachers and governors feel reassured that the individual needs of children and families are met staff and that school knows the families well.
  • The school values LPPA Reassessment as a celebration of existing good practice in parental involvement that has developed since the initial LPPA process began and also as a framework to provide a reflective focus to develop this even further, ‘We couldn’t run the school without the support of the parents’ (Head teacher)
  • There are high aspirations for parental engagement. In order to develop this, workshops and events are arranged throughout the school where parents and children can celebrate and enjoy learning together, as this has proved to be effective in encouraging parents to support their own and their child’s learning.
  • A variety of initiatives help parents to support their child’s learning both at home and in school, such as VIP days, a ‘jigsaw’ of homework projects, class assemblies and video and written curriculum guidance.
  • Parents are well informed of pupil progress with information on individual targets, end of year expectations, written reports and attendance at parents’ evenings, along with the informal information gained through homework projects and regular events that focus on learning throughout the school.


The full report can be viewed on our "Key Information" section of the website.

